Our Team

Our Team

Dr. Dominico Kilemo

Natural Resources Management and Climate Change Specialist

Dr. Kilemo is a Natural Resources Management and Climate Change Specialist with over 12 years of experience in conducting project design, project management, project evaluation, research, and other studies. In the past few years, Dr. Kilemo led a significant number of evaluations commissioned by Development Partners, NGOs, and Government Agencies including the following:
-Mid Term Evaluation of of USAID funded Resilient Natural Resources Governance Activity in Sumbawanga and Nkasi districts, Tanzania
-Mid Term Evaluation of Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Livelihoods Pillar of the UNDP Tanzania
-Final evaluation of the thriving environmental and well-being of people in Eastern Africa sustainable forest program

Dr. Idd Mwanyoka

Policy Specialist

Dr. Mwanyoka is an expert in Natural Resource Assessment and Policy, Environmental Conservation, Disaster Management and Climate change. Mwanyoka holds a PhD in Public Policy Analysis and Programme Management obtained from Ardhi University in Tanzania. He also holds a Master of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) and a Bachelor degree in Geography and Environment studies. Mwanyoka has several years of experience in carrying out studies and consultancies on natural resource management, landscape management and community livelihoods across Tanzania. One of the recent consultancies for which Mwanyoka was involve was on carrying a preliminary assessment of Blue Economy in Tanzania commissioned by WWF Tanzania Country Office. Mwanyoka is a “hands-on” person having worked for prominent international conservation and development organizations such as the UNDP, WWF and Care International in Tanzania.

Mr. Noel Charles Kwai

Agribusiness Expert

Noel Charles Kwai is a highly experienced and responsible Economist and Agroecology expert who has Page 10 of 21 10 offered solutions to various programs and businesses in Tanzania. He holds B.SC. Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (SUA) and MBA (Mzumbe). Noel has over 20 years of ground experience coupled with solidified knowhow through continuous extensive trainings. Working as a team lead consultant, Noel has efficiently accomplished over 30 quality consultancy assignments in the country ranging from market surveys, capacity building (of cooperatives/AMCOS, SMEs, farmer producers), business development, market access, conservation programs, etc. Noel is currently working a s full time Envex consultant.

Valentin Ngorisa Olyang’iri

Evaluation and Learning specialist

Ngorisa is a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning specialist with over 13 years of working, and consulting (Research and evaluation) experience on natural resources governance, SACCOS, CMG/VICOBA, CBOs, Indigenous people, land rights, and agriculture. Over the years I researched and consulted on various issues including the Impacts of Land, Gender, Agriculture Based Investment and Conservation Initiatives on the lives of Smallholder producers (farmers, pastoralist, & fisheries communities), women and youth. I have consulted with local and international NGOs such as HAKIARDHI, MVIWAMORO, MVIWAARUSHA, MVIWATA, TNRF, PAICODEO, MWEDO, TGNP, PINGOs Forum, WWF, Care International and FAO. Likewise, I have advised the government of Tanzania, and EU on Indigenous People. In a nutshell, my core competencies align along natural resource governance, indigenous people, project management, sub- grants management, land rights, political economy, food sovereignty, managing donor relations, programme evaluations, and organizational capacity assessment (OCA). Through undertaking researches and baseline studies, I have developed and implemented training manuals for Indigenous pastoralist and farming communities in Tanzania.

Christina Misana

M&E and Management Support Expert

Ms. Christina Misana, a Masters of Arts in Monitoring and Evaluation holder. She is a result- oriented and strategic thinker with 14 years of monitoring and evaluation experience on micro-enterprise, social accountability and policy related programs; blended with facilitating training sessions regarding the subject. Her robust experience extends to formulation of indicators and program reporting, mapping and documentation of project key results such as case studies which are essential for M&E framework. As part-time M&E Expert with Twins Agrovet Ms. Christina recent achievements includes developed Participatory M&E system for Simiyu Climate Resilient Project under Ministry of Water (URT) featured with self-generating performance monitoring reports through Indicator Performance Tracking table in MIS format. Previously, she worked with local and international organizations performing monitoring and evaluation duties where documentation and reporting were key roles. Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum, CARE international in Tanzania as Program Quality and Learning Officer and KickStart Tanzania under Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Position support impact evaluation of micro irrigation pumps along with designing assessment tools.

Our Experiences

The following are experiences of the consultancy firm working with academic and multinational institutions.